Information Technology

Platform to compose AR VR and MR experience for real estate domain

About the Customer


Altoura, is a US (Seattle) based company and is a Mixed Reality partner of Microsoft. Altoura has built solutions catering to the Real Estate segment and has developed AR VR MR applications for enterprises like Vulcan Group, JE Dunn, JLL, Sotheby’s.

Problem Statement

  • The client was looking for an AR/VR/MR development and support partner who could help in developing the unified platform for packaging AR VR MR applications.
  • Re-design and development of a mobile app for each end-client was a time consuming and repetitive task. The client wanted to build a platform that could automate the complete app development using this platform.
  • The expectation from the platform to be developed was to package apps compatible with all devices to support AR VR MR applications.

Solutions Delivered

  • We helped Altoura (earlier known as Studio 216) built a web-based platform to quickly package applications to be used on HoloLens and iPad/ Android smartphones.
  • The platform had the flexibility to manage various client accounts, associated users, through user management module, upload of various 3D assets using asset management module and authoring module to provide annotations on the imported models and assets.
  • The solution comprised of more than 10 modules. Some of the key ones are: Self and Group Teleporting, multiple floor sync-up, birds-eye view, joystick mode, networked sessions, room selection, AR mode control, 3D model controls
  • Tools & Technology used: Unity, MS Azure, MS HoloLens, MS Mixed Reality Headset.
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